Tony Davis
Tony Davis is a self-taught artist who produces wearable works of art and sculpture hand-forged from fine metals he has recycled. He employs the age-old traditional silver working methods of the early Native American and Spanish Colonial plateros. His preferred method is to melt the silver into an ingot. Each piece is hammered, bent and shaped by hand-beating on anvils, then annealed (heated) numerous times. Filing, sanding and buffing are all accomplished by mano. Tony uses a variety of old tools and implements including antique Spanish Colonial anvils and cannon balls from the Mexican Revolutionary period to create the unique effect of his work. Tony's process for hand-forging wire through a repetitive series of hammering and annealing steps is unique. These laborious and time-consuming traditional processes create an authentic beauty and reveal and enhance the essence of metal. Twenty-first century technology and manufacturing cannot achieve or reproduce this aesthetic. Metals not worked by hand lack this energy and power. The application of these difficult and demanding traditional methods is singular in this day in age.
Tony, his wife Diane and their two Weimaraners live in the village of Corrales, New Mexico.