Chelsy Spicer
Painter. Mixed Media Artist.
Chelsy Spicer is a self taught artist who was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. In search of a change she moved to Las Cruces, NM in 2015. She has been painting and drawing her whole life but it was then that her creative eyes truly opened up as she found her calling while collaborating with one of earth’s most beautiful sculptures, the skull. Chelsy has a deep connection to her canvas, using geometric and floral designs to enhance the skull’s energetic flow as an artistic tribute to life after death. In 2018 she won Best in Painting at the New Mexico Artisan Market. Her work has been featured in New Mexico Magazine, Las Cruces Magazine & Neighbors Magazine. Skulls aren’t her only canvas though. You can find some of her mural work at The Desert Compass in Albuquerque, alongside a few of her skull installations.
There’s two moments of the day that for certain, send my heart beyond time and space. Moments that ground me down to earth with the weight of a Buffalo, yet set my soul off into a mystical dreamland where flowers bloom endlessly. Somewhere along that horizon line anything seems possible. It’s at dawn and dusk, where my entire being feels one with what is.